Issue 1

In this first issue, we explore photography as a way to cope with grief and as a way to reconnect with a dying father; photography as a tool for creative survival, and as a way to find beauty in the unusual; photography as a way to preserve what is disappearing, and as a way to inspire one’s work in other visual disciplines; photography as a way to indulge in nostalgia, and as a way to travel to parallel worlds built to escape reality.
In this issue:
Christopher Barr
Bernarda Conic
Kohl Donnely
Gabriele Fanelli
Craig Gibson
Lawrence Hardy
Steven Hirsch
Salvatore Matarazzo
Dario Miale
Maria Moldes
Larry Niehues
Martin Salter
Benj Story
Roberto Timperi
Trevor Traynor
Lola Vogels
Cover: 300gsm
Front cover by Steven Hirsch, 1992
Back cover by Roberto Timperi, 2022
Pages: 100 pages, 150gsm
Size: 22x28cm
Binding: Thread sewn