
Two Italian Rascals is a printed magazine.

Hence why we don’t really put too much effort into posting on Instagram and don’t mind the often months long social hiatus.

Indie publications like us don’t make money, and probably never will: between the cost of printing, shipping internationally, chasing retailers to get paid, it is a pretty terrible business TBH.

We started this printed magazine because we felt the need to highlight the process behind the creation of a photographic project, in a way that felt right to us. In the world of photography, especially in the contemporary social media age, words and written storytelling are often overlooked in favour of immediate visual consumption: we are constantly bombarded with content and encouraged to never question what we see on our screens. Many stories get diluted by this immediacy.
Printed magazines are more permanent and more present than social media, blogs etc., and force readers to take a deep breath and clear their minds before diving into a given story, project, or report. We are used to a velocity in terms of visual stimuli that doesn’t leave much space for a more active consumption. We’re constantly distracted, grasping countless fragments of information as quickly as we forget them.
A printed magazine forces you to slow down: you need to buy it, wait for it to arrive, open the packaging, leaf through the pages and read the words to fully understand the meaning behind a photo. Words complement images and amplify their power.

So why the hell start a magazine?? Ultimately because we needed to put something out there that was the reflection of this philosophy.

Thank you for stopping by.

Two Italian Rascals